Speaking at Typecon 2011

May 25, 2011

I have the honor of joining my Butter Label cohorts, Luke and Scott in speaking at Typecon this year. The lineup of speakers is incredible, yet somehow, there we are among these fine folks.

Our plan is to talk about web fonts from our perspective as web designers. If you saw that lineup list you can imagine that many who attend Typecon are type designers, foundries and the like. This makes for an awesome opportunity for us to communicate directly with those at the forefront of type design and lettering, to discuss how type on the web affects us, and perhaps share some ideas about where the world of type on the web is headed.

I’m excited about this opportunity. If you are in New Orleans for Typecon I sure hope we can hang out and learn about this stuff together!

to help provide some direction on where the world of type on the web is headed so we can help each other get there.

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