
Brian is a noted multi-disciplinary designer with over 20 years of design experience.
For several years Brian ran his own agency, Be Good Not Bad, in Denver, Colorado where he worked with clients large and small, including The MacArthur Foundation, They Might Be Giants, Mozilla, and Apple. Since then, he worked Happy Cog and at Amazon in sunny Seattle.
Brian co-authored HTML5 & CSS3 Visual QuickStart Guide, 7th Edition (Peachpit Press, 2011) and has been the technical editor for two books: Handcrafted CSS (New Riders, 2009) and Web Design and Marketing Solutions for Business Websites (friends of ED, 2007). Brian also speaks at conferences and meetups, including Typecon, AIGA, Typecamp, and South by Southwest.
Brian originally started his undergraduate study as a student of theology, but he eventually found his calling in design. After devouring books on typography, working in the university printing press, and running the yearbook staff, he graduated with a degree in graphic design.
When he is not designing, Brian can be found enjoying coffee, taking photos, and and exploring the Pacific Northwest with his family.