It's Trash Day
Jun 30, 2010

It’s trash day. Which means I’m locked out of the office.
You see, on most mornings, I eat breakfast, gather my things together, get my iPhone and headphones, and then kiss my family goodbye before leaving the house. Today, it’s trash day. So I do all of those things, but I leave out the back door so I can take the trash to the curb. All of that is well and good; however, I always keep my keys on a cabinet by the front door, and pick them up on the way out. So, today, leaving out the back door, I left my keys at home.
I take the trolley to work, so this isn’t a mistake I realize when I get to my car or scooter. It’s a mistake I realize after getting to our office building, grabbing the three packages that were delivered last night, toting said packages upstairs to the office, and finding I’m the first one there and can’t unlock the door.
I headed downstairs to pick up a latte and get to work at a table there. Delicious. Bonus: Our office wifi reaches down to the cafe.
I think I’ll forget my keys more often, at least on trash days.