Typecon 2014

May 29, 2014

If you really get into the technical details of your craft, nerding out about the how and why of what you do, then you’re in good company. I adore this kind of devotion to detail. But, as much as we workers of the web love to get fussy about the details, trust me when I say that type designers put us all to shame. These incredible women and men make us seem like boring pragmatists.

That’s one of many reasons I love going to TypeCon. And it’s why I’m so honored to get to speak there this year. TypeCon is the premier conference for type designers and aficionados. Every year, TypeCon travels to a different city. Last year it was practically in my back yard, just a short train ride to Portland. This year, TypeCon is in Washington DC, July 30th–August 3rd, 2014, with Tobias Frere-Jones giving the keynote. Check out the full program to see the incredible lineup.

I’m so thankful for this opportunity. If you have the chance to hit Typecon this year, I hope to see you there. In the meantime, pardon me while I go find a paper bag to breathe into.

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