May 23, 2013

It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly a year since we packed up our house and moved to the Northwest. In some ways, our time on the East Coast feels like a distant memory. In others it feels like we just got off that plane.
I’ll never forget our last couple hours in Pennsylvania. The movers had shown up late that day. They did a passable job, but were running behind. As they would finish a room, we would swoop in to clean it right behind them. Our plane was leaving that evening, so we didn’t have much time.
As the day wrapped up, I picked up the kids from school, and as I got back the movers were closing up the truck and Anna had finished cleaning. We scurried to load up the cat and the last of the bags, sped off to the airport, dropped off our luggage, returned the car, rushed through security, and found our gate. Ten minutes later we were on the plane. It was that close. I don’t think Anna and I breathed a sigh of relief until we were well over the midwest.
But here we are, a year later in Seattle.

This year has been incredible. A huge reason we moved here was to have the kids grow up near their cousins and grandparents, and that has been returning rewards in bounds. We’re also really enjoying the area. We love living both near the water and the mountains. It reminds me a bit of our time in Haines, Alaska.
The city has welcomed us wonderfully. The people have been kind, and just between you and me, the weather is way nicer than you’ve been told. We still have tons of exploring to do, but just about everything we’ve seen so far has been lovely.
I walk around feeling very thankful. This is home.